Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criteria of Nursing as a Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criteria of Nursing as a Profession - Essay Example This paper illustrates that from the first requirement of a profession, nursing is a specialized body of knowledge which combines sciences and technology, with interpersonal skills such as compassion and communication skills. Nursing is a specialized body of knowledge since nurses are required to know specialized tasks such as cure and coordination of patient safety. The knowledge includes topics such as cell biology and human anatomy. Other specialized courses in knowledge body of nursing include pathology, immunology, reproductive health, medical microbiology, and embryology. Nurses are also supposed to be aware of specialized issues like human nutrition, clinical pharmacology, occupational health and safe motherhood issues. The caring aspect of nursing requires all the professionals in the field to understand a patient’s needs and use clinical nursing knowledge in determining the outcomes of treatments. Nurses are supposed to accurately diagnose the patient illness and resp onse to medication and treatment offered by physicians and medical doctors. The body of knowledge in nursing is constantly increasing. The emergence of new types of diseases and medical treatment discoveries have increased the body of knowledge in the nursing profession. Nurses are expected to participate in ongoing education in order to enhance nursing practice and health issues. Nurses are expected to utilize creativity and innovativeness in delivering quality care to patients. The body of knowledge has increased due to many academic and professional research studies that aim at improving the quality of patient care. Many institutions of higher learning have embarked on finding the most effective means of providing low cost and quality care to patients. New knowledge in nursing is developed to improve education and professional practice. New nursing patient-care models and theories have been developed over the years to enhance learning and nursing practice. For instance, nurses ar e expected to demonstrate their commitment to lifelong learning. Nurses are also supposed to have required experience and skills before they can be allowed to practice privately. As a professional requirement, all the nurses should furnish records of their commitment to lifelong learning and evidence of competency in their areas of practice.

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