Thursday, July 25, 2019

LAW 5 forming business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LAW 5 forming business - Essay Example India is one of the fastest emerging economies with huge potential for business. The company’s 2011 annual report shows that while the sales had declined in volumes in Europe, South America, Middle East and Canada, it had shown significant increase of 7% in Asia (Emerson AR, 2011). India therefore, is considered a critical geographical position to exploit emerging opportunities, especially in climate technologies and network power. There is considerable concern for climate change and deteriorating environment conditions. Emerson, being leading technology firm with global presence, is equipped with the knowledge, experience and capabilities to explore and exploit new opportunities. Most importantly, in the current times of recessive economic conditions, identifying and exploiting new elements of competitive advantage become highly desirable for the firms (Barney & Hesterly, 2005). Human threats to environment are also vital factors of development processes. The increasing urbanization, deforestation, growing population etc. are external factors that produce great burden on the existing resources like land mass, water, air etc. that adversely impact ecological conditions (Dyson, 2005). Indeed, various drivers of climate change affect sustenance and quality of life. Moreover, they are also major factors for environmental conditions like global warming and increased number of climate related natural calamities like tsunami, tornadoes etc. Carbon emission and green house effects have also emerged as important factors for environment. As Emerson climate technologies have developed into leading tools for businesses and residents for mitigating climate related problems, India presents vast scope for expansion. 1. With more than one billion population, India presents huge potential for introducing green technologies that would promote environment conservation. Emerson therefore must make efforts

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