Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ikea company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ikea company - Case Study Example Through an integrated marketing communication approach, a consistent message will be delivered to the customers. Being an international company IKEA should adopt a globalised approach however, because of significant impact of culture in furniture industry, localised advertisement approach will be selected. The localisation approach can create consistency problems for IKEA (Wells, Burnett, & Moriarty, 2006). To keep the consistency in message while focusing on localised approach, it will be ensured that message of the ad conveyed through different mediums has significant consistency in its content, positioning of brand and feel of the ad. Therefore, advertisements for all mediums will be developed in consideration to target market, brand positioning etc. To target the diverse customer segments the primary media for IKEA will be Television. TV advertisements can convey the mood and image of the brand to develop an emotional appeal (Belch & Belch, 2003) therefore, TV is the most suitable broadcast media. Secondly, booklets of IKEA’s products can be printed which can be distributed via direct mail to the potential customers. Moreover, these booklets can be also made available at

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